Tag Archives: Pond Fish

Pond fish: Algae Eaters: Hi Fin Banded Shark Los Angeles

Pond fish: Algae Eaters: Hi Fin Banded Shark

No pond is complete without a Hi Fin Banded Shark. We’ve recently started importing these fascinating, peaceful fish from China. As a juvenile, the Hi Fin Banded Shark has striking contrasting colors and an inspiringly high dorsal fin. As an adult, these colors fade. In the wild, this fish

Are aquatic plants dangerous to Koi

Are aquatic plants dangerous to Koi

I have heard pond owners say they are afraid to add plants to Koi pond because of disease or parasites. Although it is possible for a few uncommon varieties of parasites to attach to plants it is unlikely that they would make their way to cause harm to your Koi or other pond fish.  This is due most in part that aquatic

Ponds can reduce stress

Ponds can reduce stress

It may not be a surprise to anyone who has had a pond or water garden that it is one of the best stress reducers you can find. Whether it is a morning coffee or the after dinner wine, sitting by the pond watching the dragonflies and Koi will help you to shake off the day. [clear]

I believe that water is part of our primal instincts.


How to balance your pond.

How to balance your pond. What does balancing your pond really mean anyway? All pond water must go through the initial balancing period. Pond Talk.

Does the temperature of my pond water effect the oxygen supply?

Does the


of my pond


effect the

oxygen supply?

The temperature of your pond water has a profound effect on the amount of dissolved oxygen available in the pond. The hotter the water the less oxygen it can hold, therefore cold water holds much more oxygen. Using a small bubbler, air pump or aerator adds enough oxygen for most size ponds in the winter. Most pond fish do not require a lot of oxygen in the winter because of hibernation.

Warm water has a low capacity
