Blue Tropical Water lilies: Star of Siam
Star of Siam has vibrant blue, star-shaped blooms. The white stamens are tipped with violet, creating the star effect. The maroon and green foliage accents the blue flowers creating a striking center-piece. Tropical water lilies are some of the most beautiful plants on earth with their large multi-colored lily pads & vivid colorful flowers. Star of Siam is no exception. It's no wonder they are a customer favorite! Tropical moreBlue Tropical Water Lilies: Rhapsody in Blue

Blue Tropical Water Lilies: Rhapsody in Blue
Like all star lilies, it stands high and proud above the waterline. It also was created and thrives in our Texas heat. It has deep bluish purple petals with a yellow center and with purple stamen. It has very attractive chocolate colored pads and is very free flowering just like it's sibling, N. Rhapsody in White. It is a show stopping specimen. It's parentage is N. St. Louis Gold xBlue Tropical Water Lilies: Star of Zazibar

Blue Tropical Water Lilies: Star of Zazibar
This water lily was awarded the *Banksian medal for the best new lily of 2000. Star of Zanzibar tropical water lily features gorgeous deep blue flowers and richly mottled foliage. A true showpiece.. This lily is a very good performer producing large multiple flowers during its long blooming season .The flowers of Star of Zanzibar’s overall compact growth habit makes it perfect for any size pond. We recommendBlue Tropical Water Lilies: Spider Lily

Blue Tropical Water Lilies: Blue Spider Lily
Blue Spider tropical water lily features impressive rich blue flowers outlined in purple. The flowers are enhanced by the variegated "spider web" foliage. A great performer and wonderful addition to your water garden. This tropical water lily propagates very quickly filling your water garden with beautiful blue blooms. Always add aquatic fertilizer on a regular basis to insure best performance. [clear]-
TEMPERATURE: Slightly cold tolerant.
CHARACTERISTICS: Non-Viviparous - Free Flowering, Fragrant, True Blue
SIZE: MEDIUM (4' to 7'
Blue Tropical Water Lily: Duaben

Blue Tropical Water Lily: Duaben
Duaben Blue Tropical Water lilies are one of the most prolific blooming of all water lilies. It’s light blue buds and flowers lift far above the water surface. Duaben is a viviparous pond plant sometimes even the plantlet can bloom while still attached to the leaf. This tropical lily is a great choice for a small pond or tub garden. Each flower is known to last 7-10 days. Does best whenBlue Tropical Water Lily: Margret Mary

Blue tropical water lily: Margret Mary
This beautiful lily was named after Lilypons own Margaret Koogle in 1964 by her Grandfather, George L. Thomas Jr, when she was only 2 years old. It is perfect for smaller ponds and ponds in partial shade. The flowers are very fragrant and once Margaret Mary starts to bloom it is rarely without a flower. Margret Mary is a medium sized tropical water lily. With 3 to 4-inch cup-shaped, then star-like, pale-blue blooms. 8-inch, deep-green, lightlyBlue Tropical Water Lily’s: Pamela