Finally, a Worry-Free Algaecide that Works Instantly on Even your Toughest Algae. Unlike other aquatic algaecides on the market today, GreenClean works on contact to control algae (especially String Algae) in water gardens, ormanental ponds, fountains and other water features. It is a water activated algaecide and is safe for all animals once it is in liquid form. Avoid keeping algaecide granuales where birds and small animals can ingest them.
GreenClean algaecide does not harm fish and aquatic life and starts
Check out the new Generation 2 IonGenT which has all the features of the Generation 1 but is digital and has many enhanced features. This unit will drastically reduce pond maintenance and gives you a debris free water feature without the use of any chemicals. However, we recommend that you still need to use a natural beneficial bacteria product in your pond on a regular basis which benefits the fish and helps keep the water crystal clear.
. It eliminates unsightly
Algae Fix is an EPA registered herbicidal control for green water algae blooms, blanketweed, string algae, and hair algae. Can be used to rid or prevent algae. Safe for fish and plants when used according to the manufacturers recommendations. (but not snails).
Treats 300 gallons per ounce.
16oz treats up to 4800 gallons
64oz treats up to 19,000 gallons
Click details for quantity pricing.
PLEASE NOTE: 64oz container cannot be shipped to New York.
Alage Fix is not approved for sale in Canada.
See all
No more green water. No more Algae. This product is similar to Algae Fix only 20% stronger, the new Microbelift Algaway 5.4 stops algae growth in ponds. Can be applied to areas that contain fish and plants but not snails or crustaceans. Weekly maintenance dose recommended.
Treats approx 350 gallons per oz
Note: As with all algaecides insure that pond is well aerated via a waterfall or good circulation as to not stress your fish.
16 oz treats 5600 gallons
quart treats 11,200 gallons
NEW from the manufacturers of GreenClean is a commercial strength liquid algaecide for treatment and control of algae in your pond. It is the same chemistry found in the original GreenClean, now in liquid form. Use to control string or green water algae. Use 5-11 oz per 500 gallons depending on algae conditions. Use a spray bottle (purchased separately) for rocks and hard to reach areas. Repeat dose every three days until controled and then weekly for maintenance.
GreenCleanFX Liquid Algaecide
If you love GreenClean Granular Algaecide then you will love GreenClean Tabs! GreenClean Tablets control algae in water gardens and ornamental ponds while in a convenient tablet form.
GreenClean Tablets is best used as a maintenance product. For extreme pond clean outs, first use GreenClean Granular. Wait one week to apply GreenClean Tablets.
Apply GreenClean Tablets according to recommended rates. When applying GreenClean Tablets, distribute evenly throughout the pond. Recommended dosage 1# for every 2250 gallons.
New scoopable mini tablets. 1 scoop
PondCare brings you the first bacterial algaecide registered with the EPA. Microbial Algae Clean contains a patented bacteria controlling green water algae in ponds with live fish and plants.
* Eliminates organic sludge and debris
* Promotes a cleaner pond environment
* Improves dissolved oxygen levels
* Helps establish and maintain your biological filter
* Reduces noxious odors from your pond
Safe for fish, snails, insects and all other animals.
1 oz per 300 gallons twice a week for two weeks, then once a week for
Two Great products in one handy package at a special price. The Mean Green Algae Team combines Microbelift PL the #1 selling bacterial pond product on the market with GreenClean, the #1 selling garnular algaecide.
GreenClean works best on stubborn string algae. Most effective when Microbelift PL is applied 3 days after the GreenClean treatment. Available in two size kits.
32oz Microbelift PL plus 2# GreenClean
gallon Microbelift PL plus 8# GreenClean
See all Algae Control products
Tetra's Algae Control is effective in combatting algae blooms, string and hair algae and blanket weed. Safe for use in ponds with plants and fish. Available in four sizes.
8.4oz = 3000 gallons
16.9 oz = 6000 gallons
33.8oz = 12,000 gallons
101.4 oz = 36,000 gallons
See all Pond Cleaner products