Search for: "hardy water lilies"

How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies

How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies There are three basic needs that all plants have, and water lilies are no different. Here is what you need to grow incredible, show-quality water lilies in your pond. Full sun This means at least seven or more hours of unobstructed sunlight per day. While some varieties will tolerate less Continue Reading

Koi ponds and water gardens: Large pond

Koi ponds and water gardens Large pond I have been told that most people that build a pond will build three. Each one bigger and better than the last.. Well how about start with a super large pond? This pond we refer to as the moat. It is well over 100,000 gallons and fulled with hundreds of Bog plants and Water Continue Reading

Small Ponds and Fountains: Water Wheel: Custom Ponds

Custom Ponds Small ponds and fountains Water Wheels There is something about a Water wheel that is so enticing. Maybe it reminds us of better times. Slower times when things where not so hectic and fast. Like sitting in front of a pond watching the Koi play and the water lilies grow. Slow and relaxing. What is a Water wheel? Continue Reading

White Hardy water lily: Walter Pagels

White Hardy water lily Walter Pagels This Hardy water lily was named after the first president of the International Water lily and Water Gardening Society, Walter Pagels. It has small to medium ivory white blossoms that stand just above the water surface. It will show a small hint of pink from time to time. The leaves are lush green with Continue Reading

Night Blooming Tropical Water Lily: Juno

Night Blooming Tropical Water Lily Juno There are many varieties of tropical water lilies. One is a night blooming tropical water lily. This means just as the name implies. It blooms at night after all the other water lilies both Hardy water lilies and Tropical water lilies have long closed. Typically a Blooming White Night Tropical Water Lillie – with Continue Reading

Yellow Tropical Water Lily: Yellow Dazzler

Yellow Tropical Water Lily: Yellow Dazzler Yellow Dazzler’ is true to its name. Vibrant color with contrasting pure green leaves. Sun lover. 3-4 ft. spread. Tropical water lilies produce more flowers than their hardy counterparts, almost twice as many, and make great cut flowers too. Tropical lilies are often treated as annuals but you can overwinter these tender perennials inside Continue Reading

Blue Tropical Water Lilies: Star of Zazibar

Blue Tropical Water Lilies: Star of Zazibar This water lily was awarded the *Banksian medal for the best new lily of 2000. Star of Zanzibar tropical water lily features gorgeous deep blue flowers and richly mottled foliage. A true showpiece.. This lily is a very good performer producing large multiple flowers during its long blooming season .The flowers of Star Continue Reading

Pond Plants: Hardy Water Lily: Perry’s Rich Rose

Pond Plants Hardy Water Lily Perry’s Rich Rose Perry’s Rich Rose is a Hardy Water lily that is a good lily for any size pond. The leaves and flowers of this variety are often the same size. Plant height varies with depth of pool. Commonly referred to as “Water Lilies” these plants have adapted to living in a total water environment This variety Continue Reading