How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies

How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies
There are three basic needs that all plants have, and water lilies are no different. Here is what you need to grow incredible, show-quality water lilies in your pond.
Full sun
This means at least seven or more hours of unobstructed sunlight per day. While some varieties will tolerate less and still bloom a little bit, full sunlight is a mandatory requirement for truly awesome aquatic plants.
Good soil in a large pot
A minimum sized pot for most hardy water lilies is approximately 16 inches by 7 inches. Although tropical water lilies can do well in a smaller pot this size works well for them as well. A commercial pot is readily available in this configuration. You can of course use something smaller but it will not grow to its potential. A much larger pot will make the plant harder to manage and harder to lift. A pot this size will accommodate most cultivars for up to three years before repotting/dividing is needed. The hardy water lily rhizome actually travels across the soil horizontally making a wide pot a better choice than a deep one. Using decomposed granite, clay mix soli works well. A heavy soil will help to keep the soil in the pot and the fish out of them.
Plants, like most living things, simply love to eat, and water lilies are no different. During the growing months in the spring and summer they need a ready supply of fertilizer. They should be fertilized generously according to the fertilizer directions. Fertilizer may be in either tablet or granular form, consisting of an instant or readily available formulation, and a time-release formula, releasing nutrients at a fairly consistent rate over a given rate of time varying from 30 to 360 days. A combination of both works the best. Aquatic plant fertilizers should contain a low amount of water soluble nitrogen so you do not have a problem with algae in your pond.
Hope there suggestions help you grow the bigger better and more beautiful water lilies.

tropical water lilies, water lilies, how to grow water lilies
Article: How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies
Author: Jacklyn Rodman
Source: Sunland Water Gardens
How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies