Pond Supplies: Fish Medication: Medfinn medicated fish food

Pond Supplies – Fish medication

Medfinn medicated fish food

MedFinn is a medicated pond fish and Koi food based on Romet-TC. Romet-TC is a proven effective broad spectrum antibiotic used in the commercial fish farming trade, and is one of only three antibiotics approved for use in fish by the FDA. AquaFinn has used their knowledge of commercial fish farming to design  a version of Romet-TC for the Koi and goldfish enthusiast that adjusts dose and duration to safely maximize effectiveness. MedFinn combines the safety and effectiveness of Romet-TC, with dosing formulas to help you calculate the proper amount of feed needed based on the weight of fish in your tank or pond, producing a very effective tool to help eliminate internal bacterial infections.

MedFinn will treat most gram-negative bacterial infections:

  •  Ulcerative hemmhoragic septicemia: Large ulcers on the body of the fish
  • Hemmhoragic septicemia with abdominal distension and exophiala: General bleeding under the scales with a bloated abdomen often accompanied by pop eye. May be called pine coning.
  •  Mouth and Fin Rot: Degeneration of the tissue in the mouth and on the fins. Affected areas are being eaten away.
  • Columnaris on skin and gills: May look like white tufts or patches and will lead to ulcerations and massive tissue loss. Can cause rapid mortality when in the gills.
  •  Bacterial Gill Disease: Like columnaris and can cause rapid mortality.

MedFinn 1 lb and 5 lb bags


Medicated Koi food, medfinn, fish medication

Medicated Koi food, medfinn, fish medication

Got Qustions - We Know Ponds - Your Pond Supply Leader

If you have any questions about Pond Care or the right Pond Water Treatment that will help your pond fish or what pond fish medication is best for your pond fish or have questions about getting safe pond chemicals for your pond, please visit our full service Pond Supply and Pond Maintenance store or call Sunland Water Gardens @ 818-353-5131

Pond Care: Pond Supplies: Fish Medication: Medfinn medicated fish food
Source: Sunland Water Gardens
Author: Jacklyn Rodman
Also See: Pond Care; Pond Maintenance; Pond Fish Medication

Pond Care / Pond Maintenance /  Pond Fish Medication

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Pond Care / Pond Maintenance / Fish Medication

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