Monthly Archives: May 2014

Aquaponic Gardens With Jeff Kite – Sunland Water Gardens Aquaponic Gardens With Jeff Kite - Sunland Water Gardens Stop by and visit Sunland Water Gardens to learn more about how you can get and create your own Aquaponic Garden. Don't forget to follow us on: YouTube: FaceBook: Google+: Pinterest: Aquaponic Gardens With Jeff Kite -

How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies

How to grow bigger better and more beautiful water lilies

There are three basic needs that all plants have, and water lilies are no different. Here is what you need to grow incredible, show-quality water lilies in your pond. [clear]

Full sun

This means at least seven or more hours of unobstructed sunlight per day. While some varieties will tolerate less and still bloom a little bit, full sunlight is a mandatory requirement for truly awesome aquatic plants.

Good soil in


What do I need for my own Aquaponic system?

What do I need for my own Aquaponic system?

Aquaponics has all the best elements of gardening without the bad.  No more weeding, no more digging, no more gophers, no more wasted water, no more fertilizers. You will have fresh veggies grown in your own compact beautiful garden. You can have your own fresh organic fish as well. Yes you can eat the fish you grow or use any ornamental  fish you like. Like Koi or goldfish. This is

Make everyday an Earth Day

Make everyday an Earth Day

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make – Dr. Jane Goodall.
[clear] Well just in case you missed it, Earth Day 2014 has come and gone. Every April 22nd folks will celebrate the earth and be reminded of the need to care for it. Being basically a farmer by trade the Earth is sorta important. I have committed over 30 years to adding