The Water Wych was created over many years to keep the display ponds of the International Hardy Waterlily Collection free from algae.
The Water Wych is a unique unit that once placed into the pond or fountain it absorbs all impurities in the water. These also include the impurites that create green water and algae. It will help to clear water without harm to fish or other inhabitants. In ponds, it will also reduce string algae. Since it is a
Microbe-lift Premium Grade Calcium Montmorillonite Clay is 100% natural and specially formulated for Pond Clarity and Koi Health, Growth and Color. Use it for fish nutritiion through mineral ingestion, immunity against many viruses, improving fish color and detoxifying and clarifying pond water.
Available in 2#, 4#, 6# and 25#
Carbon Pellets remove organic pollutants, discoloration and odors in ponds and water gardens. Activated coal-based carbon provides optimal pore structure for fast absorption of contaminants.
Best when placed in a media bag. Remove when treating fish for disease or illness.
Pond Care Eco-Fix is a bacterial pond clarifier that breaks down dead algae and makes pond water clean. It helps to create a cleaner ecosystem for your fish while increasing oxygen levels in the pond.
Treats up to 4,000 gal per 16 oz.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
Barley Clear is a highly concentrated suspension of natural barley and peat plus natural activators that quickly unleash the power of barley and peat into the water. Phenolic compounds found in the Barley naturally clears the pond. Barley Clear also helps maintain the natural carbon balance, which stabilizes water quality and helps to maintain clear water
Clears water naturally
Clears murky water
Contains natural clarifiers
Simply Clear is a bacterial based pond clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action. This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long term solution to un-clear pond water. Safe for plants, fish and animals.
1 oz treats 250 gallons; 16 oz treats 4000 gallons.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
CrystalClear RapiClear is designed to clear water gardens and koi ponds quickly and safely by combining suspended particulate together. This process is commonly called "flocculation". Flocculation basically means that suspended organics within the water column attract together, making the accumulated mass heavier than water. This "mass" will eventually drop to the bottom of the pond where a good bacteria colony can utilize the organic mass as food and remove it from the pond, or it will simply get removed by
Koi Clay is a naturally occurring calcium bentonite clay, which is available from only a few of the bentonite mines in the world. It dissolves well and is ideally suited for recirculating koi and garden ponds. 100% all natural. It contains a balance of minerals in their natural colloidal form, making them easily assimilated. They enhance the production of enzymes in all living organisms, improve water quality and removes toxins from pond water. They benefit both plants and fish as
Microbe-lift Defoamer eliminates foam in Seconds! It gets rid of unsightly foam fast, leaving pond water clean and clear. Persistent foaming can indicate a heavy concentration of undissolved organics. Partial water changes can improve water quality which will help reduce foaming. For ponds and fountains of all sizes.
1 oz per 500 gallons.
Safe for fish, plants, birds and aquatic life.