100% all natural product of specially selected bacterial strains that immediately begin breaking down fish waste and dead algae that cause cloudy water and sludge build-up.
Through natural nutrient competition and enzymatic action, Pond-Zyme Plus reduces pond maintenance and keeps pond water clean and clear. It converts fish waste, uneaten food, dead vegetation and other pond waste into non-toxic material.
Treats 8000 gallons per 8 oz.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
A seasonal approach to the Proper Organic balance in Ponds. Helps to jump start your pond to a healthier enviornment in the spring. Natural, Nontoxic and Noncaustic, Microbe-Lift is NOT a chemical. It is harmless to humans, fish plants and pets.
Accelerates the breakdown of leaves, small twigs and other accumulated organic waste. Reduces build up of residual organic sediment. Pre-measured water soluble packets.
16 oz (8 packs x 2 oz) Easy to handle, cost effective.
Application rate for one container of
Simply Clear is a bacterial based pond clarifier that quickly clears murky, cloudy water and keeps it clean and clear through natural bacterial action. This triple action formula acts fast - clears pond water and breaks down sludge and offers a long term solution to un-clear pond water. Safe for plants, fish and animals.
1 oz treats 250 gallons; 16 oz treats 4000 gallons.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
Each Clear-Zyme block contains billions of "beneficial" bacteria and ezymes that quickly break down sludge and waste. Safe for ponds with fish and plants.
Use one tablet per 250 gallons. Package contains 4 tablets. Picture shown is single use package.
See all Pond Cleaner products
Pond Care Eco-Fix is a bacterial pond clarifier that breaks down dead algae and makes pond water clean. It helps to create a cleaner ecosystem for your fish while increasing oxygen levels in the pond.
Treats up to 4,000 gal per 16 oz.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
For over 45 years, Acurel E has proven to be a pond keeper's best friend. It's the fast and easy way to keep pond water sparkling clear. Within hours of use, Acurel E safely and organically clears cloudy, green, murky and contaminated pond water. It causes contaminants to clump into masses that are more easily removed by your filter or skimmer. Acurel E is made with organic extracts from renewable natural resources and is safe for all fish, plants and
This product is especially helpful for AquaScape ponds that have a rock or gravel bottom where vacuuming is difficult or impractical. Microbe-Lift-SA is formulated specifically for the removal of organic bottom solids that are slow to degrade. Works best at warm water temperatures, however it may be used effectively at any temperature year around. 1oz per 100 gallons
Click "View Details" for more information.
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
New, Barley Plus Bacteria and Enzyme blend from Crystal Clear combines the organic degrading powers of activated barley with the natural powers of quality beneficial bacteria and enzyme complex for maximum results in your pond ecosystem.
Clarity Max Plus is designed to restore balance to the pond environment by breaking down organic debris.
2 oz treats 1000 gallons.
Available in four sizes: 1#, 2.5#, 6# and 25#
See our other barley straw products and other pond water treatment products.
Buy an entire season's bacterial needs in one convenient carrying case. Kit includes one each of the regular quart size of:
Spring & Summer Cleaner
Autumn & Winter Prep
Microbelift PL
*TheraP is speciallly formulated for promoting fish health. Biologically supports a healthy immune system.
Improves dissolved oxygen levels and digests organic waste.
See all Pond Cleaner products