WipeOut is excellent for controlling gill diseases in pond and aquarium fish. Bacterial diseases generally result from fish stress due to adverse water quality
conditions such as (pH, oxygen or temperature problems), dirty ponds, untreated abrasions or even predators. WipeOut works extremely well on pond fish species such as koi and goldfish as well as on commonly found aquarium fish species.
WipeOut - Bacterial Control
Controls & Prevents Bacterial Infections
Controls Fin rot & Ulcers
Safe For Fish & Plants
ParaCid is a widely used material by pond and aquarium hobbyists and professionals for control of infestations of fish lice, anchorworm and flukes which are common in pond and aquarium habitats. ParaCid works extremely well on pond fish species such as koi and goldfish as well as on commonly found aquarium fish species.
Removes Anchor Worms & Parasites
Quick & Safe Formula
Safe For Fish & Plants
ReStore keeps your koi or goldfish safe from commonly found parasitic protozoans such as, Ichthyopthirius, Trichodina, Costia and Chilodonella. ReStore is also very good for treating many common bacterial diseases.
Removes & Controls Skin Fungus
Quick & Easy Treatment
Safe For Fish & Plants
KnockOut is formulated for helping control Ick on pond fish. Treated correctly KnockOut will remove Ick parasites, protozoa, bacteria and fungi from most fish species. KnockOut is a broad spectrum treatment for fungus, Ick and flukes.
Eliminates Ick Infestation
Eliminates Fungi & Protozoa
Safe For Fish & Plants