Tetras Koi Vital replenishes vitamins and minerals in pond water for increased vitality, color and disese-resistance. It help promote appetite, growth development, health, sexual activity and vitality.
Treats 2500 gal per 16.9 oz
Natural bacteria specially formulated for promoting fish health. Biologically suports a healthy immune system.
Improves dissolved oxygen levels reduces environmental stress; digests organic droppings; promotes rapid fish growth and increases resistance to pathogens and parasites. Oxidizes both ammonia and nitrites and also reduces nitrites. Beneficial when fish overpopulation exists. Compatible with all pond plants. Naturally safe for all pets and animals. Use during times of oxygen stress.
Application Rates:
80 to 200 gallons: 6 oz. 1st application, 2 oz. weekly for
ParaCid is a widely used material by pond and aquarium hobbyists and professionals for control of infestations of fish lice, anchorworm and flukes which are common in pond and aquarium habitats. ParaCid works extremely well on pond fish species such as koi and goldfish as well as on commonly found aquarium fish species.
Removes Anchor Worms & Parasites
Quick & Safe Formula
Safe For Fish & Plants
ReStore keeps your koi or goldfish safe from commonly found parasitic protozoans such as, Ichthyopthirius, Trichodina, Costia and Chilodonella. ReStore is also very good for treating many common bacterial diseases.
Removes & Controls Skin Fungus
Quick & Easy Treatment
Safe For Fish & Plants
KnockOut is formulated for helping control Ick on pond fish. Treated correctly KnockOut will remove Ick parasites, protozoa, bacteria and fungi from most fish species. KnockOut is a broad spectrum treatment for fungus, Ick and flukes.
Eliminates Ick Infestation
Eliminates Fungi & Protozoa
Safe For Fish & Plants
A general broad-spectrum disinfectant for the treatment of disease-causing bacteria, fungus and parasites. Contains a double slime coat to aid fish in promoting natural body protection against infection. Can be used consistently as a preventative. Does not kill off necessary nitrifying bacteria in pond filters.
Treats 1000 gallons per 16.5 oz.
Heals All promotes healing through a double healant additive and an extra large dose of vitamin B12.
It promotes the regeneration of damaged skin, fins or scales by mixing healing and protective coatings. Especially helpful with long fin (butterfly)Koi and fancy goldfish.
The double slime coat protection promotes natural body protection against infection.
Protects fish against secondary bacterial infection.
Will not cause discoloration or cloudy water conditions.
Treats 1000 gallons per 16.5 oz.
MelaFix is an all natural anti-bacterial remedy for pond fish. Mela fix works quickly so healing can be seen in as little as four days. MelaFix anti-bacterial remedy uses the power of MELALUCA for the treatment of fish diseases. Rapidly repairs damaged fins, heals open wounds and ulcers, stops mouth fungus and treats fin and tail rot. Works great in conjunction with Pima Fix which is an all natural fungal treatment.
Naturally safe for fish and plants.
Recommended treatment is for seven
PimaFix is an all natural formula that rapidly treats fungal infections on the body and fins of pond fish. Treats internal and external bacterial infections. Works in combination with MelaFix to enhance effectiveness against fish diseases. Safe for aquatic plants. Will not adversely effect the biological filter, alter the pH or discolor the water.
Recommend treatment for seven days. Treats up to 2400 gallons per 16 oz.