Pond Supplies by Sunland Water Gardens
Aquatic plants: floating pond plant: Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth
Water hyacinth is a popular water garden plant because of the beauty of its large, purple to violet flowers and its interesting floating vegetation. Koi and other Pond fish love to eat the roots that hang from this free floating pond plant. Although water hyacinth are considered annuals in most zones They can survive California winters if covered on cold winter nights. But most people will just replace them each year.Growth Habit
Bog Plants: Floating pond plant: Azolla
Azolla are a small type of water fern that floats on the surface of water with their roots hanging in the water. Despite their diminutive size, their hardiness means they can readily inhabit and thrive in freshwater and great speeds. This “super-plant” is an important part of any water garden’s ecosystem.