Pond Supplies by Sunland Water Gardens

Regal Victoria Waterlily: Close Up

[button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"] Regal Victoria Waterlily: A close-up of this South American beauty, named after Queen Victoria. [button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"]

Victoria Waterlily: The Regal Victoria Waterlily

[button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"] The regal Victoria Waterlily, with bouyant leaves that can hold a human being. For more information on this amazing waterlily, [button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"]

Pink Lotus: Who doesn’t love the Lotus?

[button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"] [caption id="attachment_10041" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Pink Lotus: Who doesn't love the Lotus? Pink Lotus: Who doesn't love the Lotus?[/caption] [button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"]

Arrowhead: Arrowhead Pond Plants

[button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"] The calming cool green of Arrowhead leaves display an intricate railroad pattern. This easy-to-grow plant is a crowd pleaser in the pond world. [button text="Return to: Pond Plant Gallery" link="http://xpe.351.myftpupload.com/pond-plant-gallery/" size="large" target="_self"]