Search for: "bacteria"

Pond care: Beneficial bacteria: Autumn Leaves Digester

Pond care Beneficial bacteria Autumn Leaves Digester This beneficial bacteria mixture of very potent microbes  aggressively digests plant matter in ponds. This is especially very helpful during the fall and winter seasons as trees lose their leaves. Autumn Leaves Digester contains multiple strains of bacteria specifically selected for thier ability to remediate vegetation (sludge) debris. Autumn Leaves Digester will help with Continue Reading

Pond Care: Beneficial bacteria: Tetra Sludge reducer

Pond Care Beneficial bacteria Tetra Sludge reducer Tetra sludge reducer is a part full season water pond care program. Great to use in spring before water is shaded by aquatic plant cover. Contains high concentration of natural, beneficial bacteria and enzymes that consume the organic matter and nutrients, in pond water. •Safe for fish and aquatic plants •Use in the spring and summer Instructions: Continue Reading

Pond Care: Beneficial bacteria: Pond Care Pond Zyme

Pond Care Beneficial bacteria Pond Care Pond Zyme   PondCare Pond-Zyme with Barley is an enzymatic cleaner containing a super concentrated blend of dry beneficial  bacteria and natural barley that creates and maintains sparkling clean water gardens and koi ponds.   All-natural bacterial water conditioner cleans and clarifies pond water   Helps maintain water clarity and quality to minimize fish stress Continue Reading

Pond Care: Beneficial bacteria: Microbe-lift PL

Pond Care Beneficial bacteria Microbe-lift Pl   Keeps Ponds Clean & Clear!   Microbe-lift PL is specially formulated for Koi Ponds & Decorative Fish Ponds, Lagoons & Smaller Water Features.  Everything you need to help you with your pond care. Will not harm your Aquatic plants or water lilies. You can trust products from Microbe-lift pl to work when used as Continue Reading

Pond Care: Beneficial bacteria: PondCare Microbial Algae Clean

Pond Care Beneficial bacteria PondCare® Microbial Algae Clean PondCare® Microbial Algae Clean An Alternative Approach to Algae Control MICROBIAL ALGAE CLEAN is the first beneficial bacterial algaecide registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This product contains patented bacteria to control green water algae in ponds with live fish and plants. The bacteria help establish and maintain a clean pond, Continue Reading

Pond Care: Beneficial Bacteria: Strata Organic Digester

Pond Care: Beneficial Bacteria: Strata Organic Digester The “blue stuff”  is the fastest working natural treatment!  It will quickly reduce ammonia and bind-up any phosphate.  Two problems every pond can have!!  In addition, it breaks down ammonia to nitrites and then nitrates.  So, it slowly eliminates ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.  Nitrites are very dangerous for fish and nitrates are used Continue Reading

Bacteria – Pond bacteria, what are they and why are they in your pond?

Bacteria are microscopic unicellular organisms. They are spherical, rod-like, spiral or threadlike in shape, often clumped into colonies. A very few species of bacteria cause disease, most perform essential roles in nature. You could not digest certain types of food, for example, without the help of bacteria flourishing in your digestive system. People sometimes get nervous when they hear the Continue Reading

How to get rid of algae in your pond?

How to get rid of algae in your pond? 1. Remove manually all algae, leaves and other debris left over from the season before. This is crucial because an excess of decaying debris will add to the nutrient levels and the algae in the pond.If after you have removed all debris you still find you are having problems with algae you Continue Reading

Aquascape SAB Stream & Pond Clean – 500 g/1.1 lb – Water Treatments – Part Number: 98900 – Pond Supplies

SAB Stream & Pond Clean – 500 g/1.1 lb Aquascape Pond Supplies Water Treatments S.A.B. Stream and Pond Clean Aquascape Pond Supplies: SAB Stream & Pond Clean – 500 g/1.1 lb 1 container treats up to 5,600 gal./21,192 liters SABT Stream and Pond Clean contains pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Ideal for breaking down debris in ponds, Continue Reading